Meet Lisa
Hello! I am so happy that you have found my blog! I created this blog as another avenue to share my many passions! It is the home of “My I Am Box”, a monthly subscription box for well deserving women. I also have other fun things such as printables and graphic Ts. You are also invited to join my Facebook VIP customer group. In my Facebook group, I offer specials and other perks! This is a perfect spot for anyone who loves laughs and comradery!
How I got here
I was 40 years old when I had my twins, Reese and Regan. I decided to stay home with them instead of heading back to corporate America. I loved being a stay home mom, especially when they were little. My world revolved around nap times, feeding schedules, play dates, and sheer exhaustion. They were so much fun and after all my struggles to have them, I wanted to enjoy every minute.

When the girls started kindergarten, I felt lost. Twin mom problem; both my girls started the same time! My world had focused on them for the past 5 years and I did not know what to do with myself. I stopped wearing makeup and lived about 6 months in yoga pants (I guess I went full circle in 2020 – Damn Covid). I over volunteered at their school and spent hours playing solitaire until it was time to pick them up. I was truly lacking a purpose in my life. I needed to find something to that was my own.
I joined Younique in 2016 as a “kitnapper” (someone who joins for the discount.) I love the brand and the vision of empowering women. Who knew I would end up loving the business side of the company. However, when the 2020 pandemic hit, I put my business on the back burner. I had gone from doing live makeup tutorials to barely wearing makeup. My days were focused on homeschooling my children while in quarantine and trying to keep up some normalcy in our lives.
During this time, I reevaluated my priorities. My main focus will always be my girls, but it was time to do something for me. From this, My I Am Box was created. I absolutely love curating items each month that focus around an “I Am” mantra. The feedback I get from women who subscribe make me feel like I am making a positive impact on so many women’s lives.

So… who am I?
I am primarily a stay at home mom who has found a new lease on life by empowering women! Over the years, I have put myself on the back burner so often that I almost forgot who I was (beside’s Reese and Regan’s mom.) I have found that “self care” is not just a trendy term but a must on our lives. I have to remind myself daily that unless my cup is full, I cannot fill others.
I have great hopes for this site! I hope you find fun items, tools to help you become the best version of you, and lots of entertainment and laughs (usually at my expense)!