Tales From the Fertility Specialist – Part 5: Was it Successful?


I had my 2 embryos transferred on April 20th.  The doctor had my blood drawn pregnancy test scheduled for 2 weeks after the HARVEST day thus making it April 29th.   That left me with 9 days to wait.  Wait and pray.  Pray and wait. 

The Waiting Game

Trying to go on with your life with this big unknown was quite the challenge.  I followed the directions during this entire process to the T.  I did not vary at all from what the doctor or the nurse directed me to do.  One thing that Ruth said was for me NOT to take a pregnancy test.  She said that it can mess with your mind if you take it too soon and with all the drugs I had been on they just are not accurate.  Yes Ma’am!  I will not take one!   This whole process is such a mind game on top of physical.

On April 29, I had an early appointment. They told me they would be calling me in about 4-5 hours. Ugh, While that seems short, when you are waiting for something this big time just ticks by slowly. I knew I could not go back to my office to wait. I just could not.  I drove.  I drove around for hours.  I don’t even know where all I went but I just could not sit still and it was the only thing I could think of to do.  I ended up in the parking lot of Barnes and Noble when I got the call.  “Hello”……

Congratulations Mom

Mom. What?  MOM.  I have tears writing this.  I can remember Ruth’s voice like it was yesterday.  I was 39, I had a 33% chance of getting pregnant if we transferred 3 embryos, and here I was… pregnant and on the first try.  I half listened to what she was telling while my mind was whirling.  She said that they obviously did not know for sure, but my hormone levels were so high that they were thinking both embryos stuck and maybe even one embryo might have split.  Mind blown.  I called my husband to tell him the news (omitting the multiple option of course, I was not ready for him to high tail it off to Mexico yet).  My next thing I did was march into Barnes and Nobel to FINALLY get to purchase my very own copy of What to Expect When You’re Expecting

My mom was at my house that day, I cannot remember why.  I walked into the house and said to her “Hi Gramma!”  Took a minute but when the realization hit her it was awesome!  Of course, I told her there was most likely more than one in there.  The more the better when it comes to grandparents I found out!  After she left, I am pretty sure I stood in front of the mirror for at least 30 minutes.   I wanted to see if I looked any different.  I checked out my non-baby bump from all directions, looked for my pregnancy glow, and tried to find a gleam in my eye.  Nothing, I just looked like myself but maybe a tad bit more tired.  But that also could have been from the happy tears.  I am not a pretty crier. 

Are You Sure?

Later that night, my husband and I were outside watching TV.  He made the comment that maybe we should not tell anyone until we were sure.  Hun, the blood test is the for sure test.  After going around and around for about 10 minutes on what is the true test for confirming pregnancy, I stormed inside.  I had one pregnancy test left from my nightmare of Clomid (one line or two – not falling for those written out ones again).  Good thing I actually needed to tinkle because I peed on that stick and not 1 minute later that second line boldly appeared.  That did make me smile by the way.  I wish I had about 10 tests because after so many negatives, it warmed my heart to see that double line!  I went back outside, stick in hand, and showed it to the Hubs.  My comment was “it does not get any more real than that”.  Mike drop.

This is such an emotional story for me to tell.  Yes, it has quite a bit of humor in it but struggling to get pregnant takes a toll on a woman.  Mine has a very happy ending and I am forever grateful for these 2 precious girls I am blessed to have. 

So, I reached the goal.  I was finally pregnant!  But here is the big question…. NOW WHAT??  Nothing prepares you for the changes your body goes through during pregnancy or the art of raising children.  I believe that every time you thought to yourself “my child will NEVER do that” or “I will NEVER do that to my child” the good lord gives you that things X10.  Karma at its best.   After all these years, I still don’t know “now what”. Every phase had brought its new challenges and funnies. I can’t wait to share more with you.

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