My Go To Self-Development and Motivation Books For Exceptional Results


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My Go To Self-Development and Motivation Books

Want a fantastic tip? Instead of recreating the wheel when you come across an obstacle or some motivation, go to the experts!  For every obstacle you can think of, there is multitudes of books written on the topic.  I have a hard time making the time to actually read self-development books in written format so I turn to Audible/Scribd!  (I have included my Scribd link – you can try it  for 1 month free.)

There is no excuse for me not to spend some time during the day improving myself when I can put some earphones on and multi task!  I will also listen in the car instead of jamming to some tunes.  I have several go to books that I listen to depending on what I am needing at this moment in time.  Here are some of my favorite go to self-development reads/listens.

5 Second Rule – Mel Robbins

This book truly changed my life.  I related to her back story on how she created this rule.  This is one that I listen to as a reminder when I find myself slipping into destructive patterns.  If you are needing something to transform your thinking, needing some way to gain some motivation, or are just in a rut, this is the book for you! 5-4-3-2-1 GO!  This will make sense after the first chapter.

Be Obsessed or Be Average – Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is one of those authors (especially on Audible) that either love him or hate him!  For me, I am one of those listeners that love him!  Grant has a passion and energy that is contagious.  I listen to this book when I need a reminder on why I am sacrificing some things in my life to build my business.  There are days that I need a kick in the booty to look at my long-term goals and why I am trying to achieve them. I must not let myself get bogged down on the little things that distract me on a daily basis.

You Are a Bad Ass and You Are a Bad Ass at Making Money – Jen Sincero

Jen Sincero likes to keep it real!  I have listened to You Are a Bad Ass many times and am almost done with the second.  I like her because she has a way of making me realize that I have a lot to offer in this world.  At the same time, gently reminding me that I will never do it if I don’t realize it and actually start doing what I need to do to get to where I want to go.

The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers – Hel Elrod, Pat Petrini, Honoree Corder

This book is one that I am slowly incorporating into my day.  I was doing really good at getting up early and starting my version of the miracle morning they suggest and then life got in the way.   Since I started slacking, my days are not as productive and I am not accomplishing as much as I did when I was doing it. So, this one is up next for my next listen to get me back in the groove!  There is also the original version that is not geared to network marketers.  This book was the basis for my getting up early and doing my gratitude journal every morning.

Get Your Sh!t Together – Ruth Field

Someone mentioned to me that when your house is a mess, it represents the mess you have internally.  I could not agree with this more!  This book is a great listen to anyone who needs to get their sh!t together!  I am still working on the concepts in this book but have made great strides and have seen some great results.

I would love to know some of your favorite self-development or motivation books and why you love them!

Here is my current list

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